How does a state keep the healthcare system supplied with PPE?

workers at the R-S-S prepare supplies to be shipped to hospitals

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Out of the public eye, the Salt Palace Convention Center has served as the bustling central hub for all personal protective equipment received by the State of Utah and sent to hospitals, local health departments and emergency managers.

Starting in April, the State of Utah contracted with Salt Lake County to use the Salt Palace as our RSS, or receiving, staging and shipping center. Workers from various state agencies have staffed this location to fulfill a central mission of the state’s COVID response: Keep the healthcare system supplied.

This was done in the midst of a fractured global supply chain for personal protective equipment, or PPE.

We needed a central secure hub to receive equipment that was donated, provided by FEMA or purchased by the state.

Those supplies include:

  • Gloves
  • Masks
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Gowns
  • Wipes
  • Shoe covers
  • Tissues
  • Tyvek suits and more

The RSS is soon moving to a new warehouse location that will save money while still allowing the important work of providing PPE and creating a stockpile for future use to continue.

See how the state has been spending money on PPE at

We want to pay tribute to the Salt Palace, as it served our state well.

Here’s where the magic happened:

Video production by Chris Averett, Utah Department of Public Safety

Thank you to the following state agencies and others who have helped staff the RSS:

  • Division of Purchasing
  • Division of Emergency Management
  • Department of Health
  • Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control
  • Utah National Guard
  • Utah Highway Patrol
  • Volunteers